About Me

Craters of the moon- New Zealand

I’m Milan, 21 years old now, I just came back from traveling in New Zealand where I lived the dream.
Now I’m working on a Viking Line cruise as a photographer between Stockholm and Helsinki.
I’m from Belgium, that really small country in Europe, and I’m planning the next adventure.


I’m traveling and taking pictures where ever I go and this blog is the way to show you my adventures.


Read my BLOGS

– Latest blog: My last Post?

Being an unconventional traveler? – Hello, Is this me?

I love travling and looking for the adrenaline rush. Exploring the world is the right way to to achieve this.
Almost two years ago I bought my first camera, the Nikon D3200, since then I started with photography.
With my GoPro 5 I started making videos and post them on YouTube. Now I upgraded to the Canon 80D.
My story of traveling started before that.

Take a look at my Portfolio

If you want to know everything about me you’ll have to keep reading.

Conyuk Canyon – Turkey

I’m making this blog because I love to express my self en to let others know what I’m doing. Also it’s a nice way to read back on all my stories later and see how I grow.

You want to follow me on my journeys and my photography adventures? Keep reading!

I started a bucketlist, a list of things I would like to do in life and what I don’t want to miss out.


If you want to know more about me just leave me a message or visit my Facebook pageYouTube or Instagram. Here you can find the photo’s I already took of my adventures.

I hope you like it and make sure to leave a like or comment, it helps me a lot! Thank you!

Opotiki Beach – New Zealand / Longest Summer of My Life!

Check out my BLOGS!

13 thoughts on “About Me

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